Internet Privacy and Security Statement

The University of Texas at San Antonio (pp电子网站) maintains the pp电子网站 website,, as a service to its students, employees and external constituencies. pp电子网站制定本隐私声明是为了表明我们对隐私的坚定承诺,并解决对所收集的信息类型以及如何将其用于pp电子网站官方网站所有页面的担忧. 一些大学的网站可能会在各自的网站上发布pp电子网站隐私的额外政策和做法. 以下披露了pp电子网站为本网站收集和发布信息的做法:

1. Personal Information Collected and Processed by pp电子网站

Personally identifiable information may be collected by Web pages, applications for enrollment or work, surveys or other voluntarily provided information which may include:

  1. Internet location (Internet domain and IP address of computer being used);
  2. Type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
  3. Date and time site was visited;
  4. Web pages requested and visited on our site;
  5. Search terms used on our search engines;
  6. Personally Identifiable Information used to fill out forms such as names, email address, address, phone number, date of birth, place of birth, student ID number, social security number, photograph, credit card number or other physical, psychological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.

This information is used to respond to user inquiries, to monitor navigation of our Web pages, site access, 内部评估和研究,并普遍提高网站的表现和利用. pp电子网站 may also use IP address information for troubleshooting purposes. pp电子网站 may use cookies as discussed below.

Employee Applicants: pp电子网站仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,收集和处理向pp电子网站申请就业的个人的信息和敏感信息, 根据德克萨斯州和联邦法律,作为公立研究型高等教育机构和雇主的职能和责任. pp电子网站 will use the details you provide on your application form, together with the supporting documents requested, additional details provided by any references. Information and Sensitive Information is collected from applicants and shared with internal and external parties to identify you; process your application; verify information, employment suitability and eligibility; communications with you; regulatory reporting; auditing; and other related University processes and functions.

Student Applicants and Students: pp电子网站仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,收集和处理申请入读pp电子网站或被录取的学生的个人信息和敏感信息, functions and responsibilities as a public research higher education institution. 从学生那里收集信息,并与内部和外部各方共享,以注册或注册大学的人员, provide and administer housing to students, manage a student account, provide academic advising, develop and deliver education programs, track academic progress, analyze and improve education programs, recruitment, regulatory reporting, auditing, communicating, maintenance of accreditation, and other related University processes and functions.

Employeespp电子网站仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下收集和处理来自员工的信息和敏感信息, 根据德克萨斯州和联邦法律,作为公立研究型高等教育机构和雇主的职能和责任. 大学会保存雇员在申请表上提供的资料, 任何要求的证明文件和任何推荐人提供的额外细节,并在任何面试过程中记录. 我们将保留有关他们在pp电子网站的就业和使用pp电子网站提供的学术和非学术设施和服务的各种行政和财务记录. Information and Sensitive Information is collected to assess suitability for a particular role or task; to support in implementing any accommodations; where relevant, to monitor, evaluate and support research and commercialization activity; to administer remuneration, payroll, pension and other standard employment functions; to administer HR-related processes, including those relating to performance/absence management, disciplinary issues and complaints/grievances; to provide access to facilities, services and staff benefits, and where appropriate to monitor use of such in accordance with University policies; for communications; to support training, health, safety, welfare and religious requirements; to compile statistics and conduct surveys and research for internal and statutory reporting purposes; to fulfil and monitor pp电子网站 responsibilities under equal access, right to work and public safety legislation; and to enable us to contact others in the event of an emergency.

Research Subjects: pp电子网站还收集和处理作为科学研究对象的个人提供的信息和敏感信息, historical research, or statistical purposes.

Retirees, Alumni, and Supporters: pp电子网站收集和处理来自pp电子网站校友的个人信息和敏感信息, its past, current and future supporters, whether donors, volunteers, participants in pp电子网站 membership groups, 只有在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,才允许参加pp电子网站活动, 根据德克萨斯州和联邦法律,作为公立研究型高等教育机构的职能和责任. 信息和敏感信息的收集和共享与内部和外部各方的通信目的, surveys, providing services, solicitations, research, internal record keeping, and administrative purposes.


2. Email and Form Information

如果公众成员发送了包含个人身份信息的问题或评论的电子邮件,或填写了基于网络的表格, 该信息将仅用于直接响应请求者或发送有关注册的信息, unless the web-based form indicates otherwise. 这些信息还将用于分析pp电子网站域内的互联网趋势,以便将来加强导航. The request for information may be directed to another part of the University, institution, 政府机构或个人可能处于更好的位置来响应请求.

Except for records governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 经《pp电子网站》修订的《pp电子网站》或其他依法保密的信息, 所有提供给pp电子网站和收集的信息都可能受到德克萨斯州公共信息法的约束. Per Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, 您有权要求访问由pp电子网站维护的被视为公共信息的某些信息. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, 您有权获得pp电子网站维护的pp电子网站您的正确的pp电子网站,但这些信息是不正确的, 根据德克萨斯大学系统业务程序备忘录中规定的程序. pp电子网站将按照德克萨斯州记录保留法(第441条)的要求保留和维护收集到的公共信息.180 et seq. of the Texas Government Code) and rules. Also, 应当指出的是,电子邮件和其他互联网通信渠道并不一定是安全的,不会被拦截. While we take precautions, such as encrypting communications where appropriate, 如果你的沟通非常敏感,或者包含了学术经历或成绩等信息, you might want to send it by other secure means.

3. Cookies

“cookie”是一个包含信息的小文件,由网络服务器放置在用户的计算机上. pp电子网站可能存储在cookie中的任何信息仅用于内部目的,除非法律要求或法律允许披露,否则不会向外部方披露个人身份信息.

4. Logs and Network monitoring

For site administration functions, 收集这些信息是为了向pp电子网站服务器分析和统计导航趋势. 此信息用于帮助诊断服务器问题并执行其他管理任务, such as assessing what information is of most interest, 确定技术设计规范,识别系统性能和/或问题区域.

The following is an example of types of information collected for analysis needs:

  1. 主机名:请求访问该站点的计算机的主机名和/或IP地址.
  2. User-Agent:用户代理信息包括特定internet浏览器的类型和版本, and the operating system on which it runs.
  3. Referrer: The web page from which the client accessed the current page.
  4. System Date: The date and time on the server at the time of access.
  5. Full Request: The exact request of the user/client.
  6. Status: The status code that the server returned, e.g., fulfilled request, file not found, etc.
  7. 内容长度:发送到用户/客户端的文档的内容长度,以字节为单位.
  8. Method: The request method used by the browser, e.g., post, get.
  9. 通用资源标识符(URI):所请求的特定资源的位置(URL).
  10. Query String of the URI: Anything after a question mark in a URI.
  11. Protocol: the transport protocol and version used, e.g., ftp, http 1.0, etc.


5. Security

This site has security measures in place to protect from loss, misuse, fraud, 在pp电子网站 web服务器管理员的控制下对信息进行黑客攻击和更改.

如果发生数据泄露或其他事件,使大学持有的信息处于危险之中, immediately notify the Chief Information Security Officer at

6. Links

This site contains links to other sites outside of the domain. pp电子网站不对此类网站的隐私惯例或内容负责.

7. Data Protection Laws

数据保护法存在于各州、国家和许多其他国家. 欧盟的《pp电子网站》(GDPR)和中国的《pp电子网站》(PIPL)涉及对欧盟和中国境内人员(“数据主体”)的人身保护, respectively, 有关其个人资料的处理及有关该等资料转移的规则. 没有基于个人的永久居住地或公民身份的区别. For pp电子网站, the data protection officers include the Chief Legal Officer, the Chief Privacy Officer and the Chief of Information Security Officer.


GDPR的适用范围也扩展到美国和欧盟以外处理欧盟居民“个人数据”的其他外国实体. For further information, please see Frequently Asked Questions regarding the GDPR. Additionally, if you will be processing personal data of a current resident of the EU, then also consult with The Office of Legal Affairs and fill out the “Lawful Basis Form” and, if collecting sensitive data, the “Consent Form.”


Like GDPR, PIPL is a extra-territorial law applicable to entities doing business both within and outside of China that process personal information on natural persons with the territory of China for the purpose of (i) providing products or services to individuals in China; (ii) analyzing or assessing behavior of individuals in China; or (iii) for other purposes to be specified. Also similar to GDPR, PIPL requires a lawful bases for the data processing and specific informed consent.


当信息以任何形式提交给pp电子网站或您使用pp电子网站的网站或其他服务时, you hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information as described in this Statement. If you are temporarily or permanently residing in the EU or China, you have the right to request access to, a portable copy of, rectification, restriction in the use of, 删除或反对pp电子网站根据所有适用法律保存的您的信息. 您的信息的删除将受适用的联邦和德克萨斯州法律的保留期限以及pp电子网站的记录保留时间表的约束. 在收到您的请求之前,您也有权在不影响pp电子网站使用信息的合法性的情况下撤回同意. 数据主体可通过联系pp电子网站首席法律官和/或首席隐私官(邮箱:privacyofficer@utsa)行使其权利.edu.

如果您认为pp电子网站没有遵守管理此类信息的适用外国法律, 您有权向欧盟适当的监管机构提出投诉.

As a general rule, 如果德克萨斯州或美国联邦法律在处理方面与其他国家的法律相冲突, use or maintenance of a data subject’s personal information, including provisions of the GDPR or PIPL, pp电子网站 will treat Texas and United States federal law as controlling.


8. Choice/Opt-Out/Correct/Update

The site gives users the following options for reviewing, removing or correcting their public information:

Employees: To review, correct or restrict the release of your home address, home telephone number and emergency contacts, go to and log in with your mypp电子网站 ID and passphrase. Then, 点击“员工自助服务”选项卡和“个人信息”部分下的“我当前的个人资料链接”.

Students: To restrict the release of directory information (See Handbook of Operating Procedures 5.01 for list of all directory information), 学生必须填写并提交“限制学生目录信息请求”表格, which can be found at To opt-out of pp电子网站 SMS/Text Messaging, simply text STOP to the shortcode or phone number that sent you the text message. For further pp电子网站 SMS information, see

To lodge a complaint relating to an alleged violation of privacy laws, you may contact the pp电子网站 Institutional Compliance & 风险服务办公室的免费电话877-270-5051每周7天每天24小时或提交在线报告电子网站.

All other issues may be directed to

9. Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact

University Web Team
University Marketing,
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One pp电子网站 Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644